Fairfax student name state poetry champ

Page Visitors: 668 Hunter Hazelton, a senior at Betty Fairfax High School was named 2016 Arizona Poetry Out Loud State Champion at the state finals competition held on March 11, 2016 at the downtown Phoenix studios of Arizona PBS. As State Champion, Hazelton will represent Arizona at the 11th annual Poetry Out Loud National Finals competition […]

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News from Betty Fairfax and Cesar Chavez high schools

Page Visitors: 1,276 Distributed by the Phoenix Union High School District   News from BETTY FAIRFAX Students earn spots in prestigious choirs Hundreds of choir students from throughout Arizona competed Sept. 26 for a spot in the Arizona All-State Show and Jazz Choirs. When the auditions ended, two Betty Fairfax students  were among the 48 […]

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