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List Your Business

Purchase a Package

Choose a Package
FREE (Basic Business Listing) Free Listing
Basic Business Listing:
  • 1 Listings
  • Company Name
  • Business Logo
  • Website
  • Business Email
  • Business Address
  • Business Phone Number
  • Listing amount(s) : 1
  • Listing Duration : 365
  • New listing status : Pending
  • Available Fields
  • Company Name
  • Name
  • Website
  • Business Email
  • Phone Number
  • Address
  • Listing Categories
PROFESSIONAL (Featured Business Listing)
Featured Business Listing:
  • 1 Listings
  • Company Name
  • Business Logo
  • Website
  • Business Email
  • Business Address
  • Business Phone Number
  • Social Media Links
  • Company Description
  • Photo Gallery
  • Amenities Listed
  • Featured Business Listed
Create a full-page website with photos, slideshows, video and more as part of your professional listing, which will be among those featured on the cover page.
  • Listing Template : Professional Listing Template
  • Listing amount(s) : 1
  • Listing Duration : 365
  • New listing status : Pending
  • Available Fields
  • Company Name
  • Business Tag Line
  • Company Description
  • Name
  • Website
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Address
  • Listing Categories
  • Listing Location
  • Tiktok ID
  • Listing Amenities
PREMIUM (Premium Business Listing)
PREMIUM (Premium Business Listing)
  • 1 Listings
  • Company Name
  • Business Logo
  • Website
  • Business Email
  • Business Address
  • Business Phone Number
  • Social Media Links
  • Company Description
  • Photo Gallery
  • Amenities Listed
  • Featured Business Listed
  • Business Ad
  • Quarterly Guest Blog Post
  • List Business Events
Create a full-page website with photos, slideshows, video, business ad, guest blog posts, business events, and more as part of your premium listing, which will be among those featured on the cover page.
  • Listing amount(s) : 1
  • Listing Duration : 365
  • New listing status : Pending
  • Available Fields
  • Company Name
  • Business TagLine
  • Company Description
  • Custom Field
  • Website
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Address
  • Listing Categories
  • Listing Location
  • Listing Amenities
  • Attachment
  • Open Hours
1 Listings
Company Name
Business Logo
Business Email
Business Address
Business Phone Number
$ 0 per month
1 Listings
Company Name
Business Logo
Business Email
Business Address
Business Phone Number
Social Media Links
Company Description
Photo Gallery
Amenities Listed
Featured Business Listed
$ 50.00 per year
1 Listings
Company Name
Business Logo
Business Email
Business Address
Business Phone Number
Social Media Links
Company Description
Photo Gallery
Amenities Listed
Featured Business Listed
Business Ad
Quarterly Guest Blog Post
List Business Events
$ 75.00 per year

Why choose the Laveen Business Directory?

FREE premium listings for non-profit organizations (sports or civic organizations).

Here are some excellent reasons:

  • — Your business information will be put in front of your target audience of local shoppers.
  • — The listing improves SEO.
  • —  Our Porfessional and Premium listings allow for a video,  a slideshow, and expanded content about your business. Our Premium Listing includes front page advertising.
  • — A map listing with your business details and contact information.
  • Emails sent directly from the site to your business email address.
  • Preferential posts on the Find It In Laveen Facebook page.
  • Inexpensive first website. If you are a start-up business, building a miniature website through the FinditinLaveen.com directory is much less expensive than paying for hosting, design, and creation of a full-fledged website.

Our online Laveen Business Directory offers free premium listings for non-profit organizations, such as sports and civic organizations. For businesses, the cost depends on the option you choose. Fees are paid by credit card or PayPal Subscriptions can be canceled at any time.

NOTE: If you don’t receive confirmation of payment via email, please check your SPAM / JUNK folder for the email.

Once you have chosen your plan, you will be granted access to the site where you can add your listing, photos, logo, and contact information.

Our goal at Find It In Laveen is to support local business owners, whether they are home-based or have a brick and mortar location. You also can follow us on Facebook  and Instagram for posts about local news, events, and offers from Laveen businesses.

Our customer service team can be reached via email: info@finditinlaveen.com