Fairfax student name state poetry champ

Page Visitors: 668 Hunter Hazelton, a senior at Betty Fairfax High School was named 2016 Arizona Poetry Out Loud State Champion at the state finals competition held on March 11, 2016 at the downtown Phoenix studios of Arizona PBS. As State Champion, Hazelton will represent Arizona at the 11th annual Poetry Out Loud National Finals competition […]

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Heritage Academy Dedicated to Youth, Committed to Teachers

Page Visitors: 723 (Article from the South Mountain District News) Dedicated to youth, their growth and development, Heritage Academy teaches the mastery of primary and secondary skills in the fields of history, math, writing, literature, reading, science, music, foreign language, visual art, performing arts and physical development. By offering a variety of programs such as history […]

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Laveen Village Voice: Countdown to parade and barbecue

Page Visitors: 1,399 In less than a month we celebrate our agrarian heritage with the Laveen Community Parade on Feb. 6 and the Annual Laveen Pit Barbecue on Feb. 21. Hundreds of community volunteers, local business and local leaders pitch in thousands of hours to make these events enjoyable successful. “Laveen is a unique, close-knit […]

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Laveen Village Voice: Scouts and 4-H Geared Toward Helping Community

Page Visitors: 818 In growing children into responsible adults who care about their communities, parents look to many different resources. Here in Laveen, there are several youth organizations geared toward helping our community’s young people achieve that goal.   Two prominent ones are: 4-H (for children ages 5-18) and the scouting programs for boys (ages […]

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Phoenix Union board names interim superintendent from South Phoenix

Page Visitors: 741   PHOENIX — The Phoenix Union Governing Board unanimously named Dr. Chad Gestson Interim Superintendent to replace Dr. Kent P. Scribner, who is the sole finalist for the Fort Worth, TX Independent School District superintendent.  The announcement was made at a special board meeting, Tuesday evening.   Gestson’s appointment is contingent upon Scribner’s contract […]

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Fairfax High adds safety measures as school starts

Page Visitors: 1,697 By Rose Tring For the South Mountain District News Anticipating renewed community concern about safety as school begins this week, educators and staff at Betty H. Fairfax High School are ready with multiple preparations to keep the Laveen campus safe including new security shelters at the three entrances, rewards for positive behavior, […]

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Laveen Village Voice: Raffle to raise funds for special needs riding program

Page Visitors: 695 Rider’s Ranch in Laveen is selling tickets in a Riding for Success fundraiser to benefit their Equine Assisted Life Skills Program, which helps at-risk and low-income youth in the community. Owner Melissa Rider said that Equine Assisted Programs are nationally known for their success in helping youth develop into better, more productive citizens. […]

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Laveen Village Voice: Backpack drive gets 50 donations

Page Visitors: 743   About a dozen local businesses donated time and services to Laveen’s first Back to School Backpack Drive and Family Fun Night on July 26 at the Laveen Education Center. Participants at the event received certificates for free haircuts for children ages 5-12 with the donation of a new backpack.  There was a […]

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